This history is dedicated to all the hard-working gentles who made
what was a dream, a reality. I thank you all.
Here in lies the history of the shire of Ar n-eilean-ne: I, Bridget Greywolf of Kayell, historian will write down all that I can so that future generations of this island of the east will know of our beginnings. I am but a newcomer and so far rely upon the memory of Lord Constantine the Varangian.

It is the year of the Society XXIV and on this day November XXV and winter has set it’s teeth upon us all. My lord, Constantine the Varangian, sent a plea to the kingdom of the east in august XXVIII, AS XXIII, to tell of the wish that this island be recognised as an active part of the kingdom. First was sent an application, them a letter in october of the same year. It must be stated that at this time Lady Cecelia de Castellon moved to the island in september XII, AS XXII. It was later in the following year that Lady Cecelia, Lord Constantine, Heather Dalziel, Lucinda del Bahia, Bryan Acton, Richard of Small Wood, Donnacadh and Roderick Downey put thier names to a plea for recognition to the Crown of the east, asking permission to be made a canton of the barony of ruantallan. This plea was overruled at the Kingdom level, but the barony of ruantallan, under the kind hand of Baron Andrew of York, took us under thier wing anyway and so we began this most wonderous journey.

The first feast of the shire, oh and how I wish I had been there for it was history in the making. The ffod was, I am told, superb. The Menu: *first remove* 1)rye bread with honeyed butter 2)cucumbers in sour cream 3)hedgehogs 4)mushrooms and onions in a chicken broth. *second remove* 5)spinach salad with oil/vinegar dressing 6)sausage pie 7)chicken in orange sauce 8)bashed neeps 9)pears in wine with heavy cream. The drinks that were served were lemonade, cranberry, apple juice, red wine with teh first remove, and white wine for the second. There were ten guests and the feast was a success. There was dancing. There were a number of people who worked very hard to make this feast a great success. Lady Cecelia and Lucinda del Bahia.

June fifth, 1989 AS XXIII
A shire meeting was held, present were Lord Constantine, Lucinda del Bahia, Dannacadh, Roderick Downey, Barabara, Richard, Peter Churchill and his friend Jeff and Morgiana, who taught the art of mail-making. As of yet no shire name has been decided upon.
August 12-14 AS XXIII
This was the first all weekend event of the shire. There were four and a half sites that were used. The charge was one dollar per night. It was at this event that Lord Constantine was awarded his AOA. Most certainly this was truely deserved. In the Saturday Tourney, it was a single elimination, no shots to the head, boffer tourney.
Round One ——— Lord Constantine Reginald Jeff The Silent Rook Greg Dyke Eric Wolfgang Seamus | Round Two ——— Lord Constantine Greg Dyke Eric Seamus | Round Three ———– Greg Dyke Eric | Champion: Greg Dyke |

Of course the champion was Greg Dyke as he won the tourney. He clained the privilege of sitting out the dancing. After this, the Old Woman as well as a mundane photographer who captured souls. That evening there was a traveller’s feast with meat pies, bean stew, coleslaw, rice, bread and cheese. There was fine ale and cheesecake. However on the sunday, the Gods decreed rain so the wild bear hunt was called off, it would seem that this time the weather was stronger than the will for adventure. but there was a good point, finally the shire name was decided upon – Ar n-eilean-ne, which means “Our Island” in Scots Gaelic. All in all it was a fabulous event. All those who did not attend missed something wonderful. As I did.
August 25th, AS XXIII
The first demo in the Island. It was the gathering at the great institute of learned scholars. It was at this demo at Memorial University where people, where everyone learned about the SCA. Present were Lord Constantine, his most gracious lady Lucinda del Bahia, Landolin, Sean. This was a part of the clubs os MUN and everyone saw. A maltese bransle was done before a court of four hundred. It was an experience, and it was one of good spirits.

September 6th, 1988, AS XXIII
Shire meeting. Present were Lord Constantine, Donnacaidh, Wolf, Morgan, Landolin, Seamus and Barbara. A letter of commendation for Donnacaidh was written by Lord Constantine.
September 24th, AS XXIII
First schola in Newfoundland. Classes were Heraldry, Garb, mail-making and brewing. Orientation. Oddly enough, no one wanted to be seneschal.
October 1-2, AS XXIII
At the baronial investiture in Wolfsgate, Lord constantine spoke with kingdom seneschal and Northern Region deputy seneschal about incipient status, with he kingdom and Seaschuan chiurgeon and the kingdom Earl Marshal and a Seashire Marshal and Badger Herald about warranting local officers, with the baronial seneschal, head and exchequer about the new shire should be set up, with the seneschals of both Walfsgate and Seashire , with a delegate from Lyndhaven and with baron Ruantallan. Countess Aiden has also been informed about the University group. It was during these talks that Ar N’eilean-ne was nicknamed “the shire with the unspeakable name.” The kingdom Earl Marshal domated a helm to the shire. Also various gifts were presented to the soverigns and to the baron and baroness. Lord Emrys Hawkwind donated a shield and some scraps of the odd substance named ‘plastic’. Lord Constantine was given instructions on the art of fighting by Lord David, Lord Emrys, His Highness King Gavin and Master Feral. He was loaned armour by the baron, Lord Andrew.